Every author needs their own web site, to champion their ongoing projects, promote their existing work... and perhaps talk about how life and writing intermingle! As my range of writing continues to grow, and my work finds publication outlets, it seems a website has become a necessity. It is also part of my growing need to "own" my writing, to take on the mantle of "being a writer" more fully, to recognize that I am beginning to have readers who may be (will be!) interested in where my stories come from! Some of the material I have incorporated into my new website already existed on the web through other venues, but here I've put together all my different writing endeavours under the same roof.

The same considerations have gone into the idea of setting up a blog. I have several other blogs, one as a scientist, another as a visionary, but a true writer's blog seems also a good practice in which to engage. I will be supplementing the material here with a videoblog on writing I have been developing with my writer friend and collaborator Mary Thaler, but there are also things to say that are perhaps better said in writing. And having managed several blogs over the years, I know the problem is to be disciplined about maintaining them - over the years, this becomes more problematical. Still, writing is a passion that is unlikely to fade, so there is hope for sustainability there!